Page name: BotO The Beach [Logged in view] [RSS]
2017-10-15 00:35:35
Last author: Artsy
Owner: Synirria
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The Beach



Jade swipped away the tears that were streaming down her cheeks. "Archer!" She called, her voice panicked and full of fear as she maneuvered easily over the uneven sand. The ocean to her right continued to thrash around, waves crashing against the rocks with every passing moment.

Archer sat in the hidden cove that Adela, Jade and he had found in middle school. It was small, but cozy. It was placed against the sea wall, and had a few trees that grew over the sand and provided shade. As archer sat there with a knife stuck into his lung just watching the sun rise. There was no way he should have been alive. The blood stained his white t-shirt and jeans, but it had stopped bleeding hours ago. He had drank all of his whisky, and a case of beer. The bottles piled to his left. He watched as the weather out at sea suddenly changed. It seemed to be getting darker, and violent. "Please kill me." He whispered under his breath to the storm. "Strike me with lightning..." he then returned his face to his hands. He was going to need to leave. The police would be here soon. If not by car then by boat. He pulled the knife out for the fifth or so time and looked himself over. He tried his wrists and his thorax. His lungs and his hart. The wounds were all closed just enough to stop the major bleeding. He was light headed from blood loss but he realized he was going to need more to finish this job than a knife and booze.

Jade was just about to give up her search on the beach when she remembered a little spot they had all hung out at. She knew it was a long shot and that he probably wouldn't even remember it but she had to give it a try. She hurried across the beach and over a few rocks until she came to the entrance. "Archer?" She called quietly as she followed the dim light in as it just fell over him. He was completely covered in blood. "Oh dear God! Archer!" She cried as she hurried over to his side, the waves thrashing around outside as the tide rose higher. "What have you done? Please be okay..." Her vision was blurry as she knelt beside him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I'll call 911, just hold on-"

Archer looked up at Jade then down at himself. He gazed at her still drunk and light headed from blood loss. "Hey..." archer half waved and looked at Jade. "Oh... no..." archer grabbed the hilt of the knife and his fingers grabbed at the knife limply, and barly started to wrap around it. "Please Jade, I died a year ago. I just..." Archer looked at Jade and placed his other sandy, bloody hand on her cheek "I just didn't die right... I'm... I'm kinda still." Archer tapped the handel of the knife with limp fingers. If he could have he would have jabbed himself again. Almost like a last ditch effort of defense against life, but the tendons on his right hand were cut far to deep for that. "I'm still kinda not dying right." His vision was blering in and out. Why did she come?

Jade felt his blood slicked hand on her cheek as she stared at him through her blurry eyes. She felt the water lapping at her feet and jumped. "Oh no..." what did he mean, he'd died? "What are you talking about?" Her words were soft but rushed as she looked around. An idea came over her like a light bulb flicking on in her head. "Just... hang on. I'm going to fix this. I refuse to just let you die." She carefully leaned above him, wrapping her slender fingers around the hilt of the knife. She took a deep breath and on the exhale, yanked the knife free, tossing it aside, she heard it clatter against the stone. "Okay... Okay..." She tried steadying her breath as she drew the water up around them. "This may sting in your wounds." She gently wrapped her arm around his shoulders to keep his head above the water. The higher the water lapped the more blood was washed away. She closed her eyes and focused on trying to heal him as the water glided over his chest. "That's it... Just let it happen..."

Adela flipped her siren off as she reached the beach but left the lights on, she didn't want him to hear the siren and panic...if he was still alive... She drove across the sand, wishing for an suv, and stopped at the tree line. Without a moment's hesitation she flew from the car and ran to the cove. When she reached it she found two figures in the water, "Archer! Jade!" She ran over and dropped to a knee, tears in her eyes as she looked at the damage he had done, "Paramedics are on the way." She said, checking to see if he was safe to move, "We need to get him out of the water."

Archer felt the cool water rush onto him, and it felt good at first. The water turned red as it waited over them. "Wha..." The salt water started to sting his wounds and then his limbs went ice cold, and his lips started to blue. "Adela?" His vision blurred again, and he had trouble moving his other arm to her cheek, and his hand feel on her shoulder. "Why are you here?" Did he die and the angels of death came in familiar form? His words sounded normal to him, but his teeth were chattering as he spoke.

"No!" Jade tensed around him, panic settling in over her. She realized Adele was going to find out fast about her. "Don't move him. It's healing him." She leaned her head against Archer's and closed her eyes. "Just give me a minute, I've almost got all of the wounds closed." She moved her hand over his chest wound and felt the water rush over them more, this time not receding. "There we go... All closed up, only thing I can't do is return the blood he lost." She looked up to Adela, frowning slightly, waiting for her to freak out.

"Jade, we have to get him to the ambulance." She said, putting a firm hand on her friend's shoulder before pausing. The water wasn't lapping at Archer in waves like it should have, instead it was covering him. "Jade...what...?" Was she imagining it?

Archer started to feel a bit warmer as the water stayed over him. The stinging in his arms and legs, and on his torso were feeling less painful. What was happening to him? His head was feeling clearer, but not great. He felt strange as the water surged about him.

"No, Adela... call off the ambulance. They can't find us." Jade kept the water steady over his body. She felt his body relaxing and knew he was healing. "That's it, Archer... Just relax, let it happen." She sighed gently as she looked over at Adela and saw her confusion. "Its not easy to explain... And you may not believe me."

Adela gave Jade a long, hard look and then squeezed the handset on her shoulder, "Dispatch, cancel that bus. I've found Mr. Mitchell, he'll be alright, I'll bring him around to the hospital myself in a bit."
"Acknowledged." The voice that responded sounded confused but Adela didn't give any further explanation. The dispatcher canceled the bolo for all units to be searching for Archer and then the radio went silent. "Explain." Adela said, forcing herself to sound calm. Archer didn't look good, but considering she had prepared herself to find him dead hours ago he was doing great, and he didn't seem to be bleeding any more

Archer looked at Adela, and finally got his hand onto her cheek. "W... w... wwwhhhyyy did you come for me?" Archer mustered. His mouth was dry, and he was cold, and he realized he might be suffering from hypothermia. Felt felt fully awake but had trouble keeping his eyes open. He must have been dreaming.

"It's not that easy, Adela..." Jade inhaled deeply and shook her head, deciding to just dive right in. "I'm doing it, I'm healing him... controlling the water." She lifted one of her hands in the direction of Adela, causing it to spray her gently in the chest, but not enough to soak her. She realized the more she controlled, the more tired she became. "When Teos came into town... he confronted me about who I really am and it turns out... God you're going to think I'm crazy." She shook her head, exhaling heavily. "I'm the daughter of Poseidon." She chose to tell Adela the entire truth, daugher bomb and all because lying to her wouldn't get them anywhere. "He's here for several people, to teach them about who they are. I believe several have found out already but I'm not sure."

"What else was I supposed to do when dispatch put out a bolo on one of my best friends, stupid?" She took Archer's hand, tears in her eyes and looked at Jade, "Jade...that..." It was too much to take in. It couldn't be true, but Jade had always been levelheaded and Archer's wounds did seem to have closed...

Jade waved her hand weakly, dismissing Adela. "We'll discuss everything later. I think he's good to be moved now. I haven't done any serious healing, just washing and closing so he'll need a hospital." She ran her wet hand along his head and sighed. "What a mess..."

Archer looked at Jade then. "no." He asked weakly. "Your not a mess." He added looked at Jades eyes. He felt very cold, and was so tired. He then looked back at Adela. "I knew you would find me, just didn't think it would be like this."

Neither did I... Adela thought to herself, she nodded, "I called off that ambulance, but he still needs a hospital, help me get him to my car." She told Jade, pulling one of his arms over her shoulder and preparing to stand once Jade was ready.

Jade slid easily enough under his other arm, wrapping one arm around his waist while the other held tightly to his wrist. "Alright easy does it." She said as she carefully got to her feet, stumbling only a bit under his weight.

Archer helped the best he could, but as they got him up right the world started spinning. "Hold on you two." Archer was sleeping a bit, but still understand able. "World is spinning." He told the both of them as they started to move. "Where are we going?"

Adela helped Jade pull Archer to his feet, she'd done it a million times in training and several in real situations. "To the hospital." She told Archer sternly, "You've lost a lot of blood and listening to you breathe, I'd say you have a collapsed lung. I shouldn't have called off that ambulance." Jade would have some explaining to do once they made sure Archer was okay.

As they walked through the water, it started to recede back into the ocean, giving them a clear path of rock and sand. It appeared Jade was calming down as they left the little cove, making their way back onto the beach. Once there, Jade glanced around and spotted Adela's car. "Come on... let's get him into your back seat and we can hurry to the hospital." She hefted his arm over her shoulder to get more leverage on him and she walked across the beach. She got to the car first and carefully opened the back door, wide enough for him to get in.

"We shouldn't do that..." archer said to Adela as they walked. "There is a lot of reasons we shouldn't." Archer knew this was going to be the talk of the town, his failed suicide, and he was never going to be treated normally again. If he was lucky the only thing that would happen would be a few scars and Adela and Jade treating him strangely for the rest of his days. As they opens the door archer stopped dead in his tracks knowing what would be after this. "No..." he said sternly and a bit more sober sounding than before. He looked at Adela in here eyes. "You know what there going to do to me... I would be better off dead than there." He told her. She knew what happens to attempted suicides.

Adela didn't flinch from his look, "Archer, you just tried to kill yourself. You're white as a sheet, probably need blood, and like I said, your lung sounds messed up, I'm surprised you can even talk. You need medical treatment and yeah, I'm going to see to it that you get the 24 hour suicide watch. You need help. Not to mention the fact that I could loose my job if I don't take you in." Her voice was stern, maybe even angry, but her eyes teared up as she spoke. Her best friend had just tried to kill himself and nearly succeeded. What had he been thinking? That wasn't the Archer she knew.

"Archer..." Jade spoke softly, trying to be the voice of reason. "She's right, you need medical attention that we can't give. We'll make sure nothing happens to you but this isn't up for debate. You're going to see a doctor." Without anymore talk she stepped up to the back seat. She knew he wouldn't be able to fight them much. Jade carefully climbed into the backseat and slide in, taking part of his upper body with her. "Adela, help me get him all the way in." She couldn't force his entire weight in with her.

Archer tried to fight it for a moment, but his limbs felt heavy. To heavy to resist. The two of them came for him, and that said they cared they were the only two he trusted. He got into the back of the squad car with slight difficulty. His heart started to race a bit thinking about what might happen to him. If they were going to send him to an institution, or worse... if they made him go to a luney hospital... "Jade..." he looked to her. "Don't let them send me to a mental ward... I don't want pills... I just want to go home..." he still felt cold and his lung was in pain. The booze began to wear off, and his breathing started to sound labored.

Adela helped him into the back and shut the door, hurrying around to the driver's side and getting in. She heard the tail end of Archer's request to Jade, "You can deny medication, Archer, but they will hold you for 24 hours at least." She said as she drove down the beach with her lights flashing, "Just don't fall asleep on us. Keep him talking, Jade."

Jade sighed gently as she looked Archer over. "Archer, I don't have any control over where they place you. I'll do everything I can to have them keep you in a regular hospital room but... In the end I can't stop them." She held him in her arms, her lap taking the blunt of his weight. She looked down at him and frowned. "What did you expect to happen? Hmm? You shouldn't have done something so reckless... so dumb..." She said softly, trying not to get worked up again.

"I shouldn't be here Jade." Archer said with his head spinning. "I should have died with Doc and the Kid." He looked at her a moment. His eyes seemed detached from his body. "I was at ground zero of an RPG, and I lived." Archer gently placed his hand onto stomach and gripped her tank top. "That wasn't the only time I should have been done." He thought back on the death of seven brothers. Each one of them was another nail in his coffin. He lost a bit more of himself every time one of them died and he didn't. He was alone with out them... he felt that crushing feeling before, and when Adela and Jade both stormed out on him he felt it again. He didn't know what he felt now. Mostly numb.

"Archer... you were there with Teos the other night." Jade brushed her hand through his short and and gently began massaging his scalp, trying to sooth him. "You know you're special, it's not your fault you lived." Her green eyes stared down into his as she spoke. "I know it upsets you that you lived and it's hard to wrap your brain around and I'm sorry you've had to go through this alone... in the dark." She looked up as they began driving through town, heading straight for the hospital. BotO Streets of Athens Harbor seemed pretty empty for a week day so they were able to cruise through town and make it to BotO Athens Hospital.

"Well here we are." Madison smiled at Aiden as she stepped out onto the sand before pausing to remove her shoes so she could walk barefoot. "I love this beach. It's so quiet. Not many people come down here so it's a good place to come down and relax." she took a few steps forward then turned to look at Aiden, a smile still on her lips. "So any questions you want me to answer?"

Aiden stayed back a bit and watched her with a soft smile. His cheeks reddened slightly when she caught him looking and he cleared his throat. "I have several questions but we just met so I figured I'd keep it light so as to not scare you off." He winked playfully. He wanted to get to know her, and this place she grew up but he wanted to tread carefully, some girls spooked easily.

Madison raised an eyebrow at his words. "I meant questions about the town..what sort of questions are you wanting to ask?" She asked playfully as she tilted her head with a smile. "Don't worry, I don't scare easy."

Aiden chuckled a deep, rumbling sound from down in his belly at her comment. "Oops... uh well I saw on my way in that it's small, less than 4,000 people. Is there a place to see movies like that or nice restaurants? I see there's the dojo and now you're wanting to do dance, which is amazing. A good way to bring people together. But I honestly didn't get a good look before bumping into you." He had gotten a bit distracted at that point and really hadn't left her since then.

"There's a few restaurants in town and a small movie theater.. but don't expect to see anything too exciting there. I think they only show like two movies at one time.." Madison replied with a chuckle before she looked at Aiden and smiled. "If you would rather look around town by yourself, I won't mind. Sometimes its easier to get used to the layout of a place when you're alone."

Aiden considered her offer for a moment before shrugging. "Unless you've got somewhere else to be or would rather be doing, I'm good with how things are going so far. But I don't want to impose or keep you so feel free to shoot me down." He laid a hand over his heart as if the blow would hurt. Clearly he enjoyed teasing her.

Madison smiled and tilted her head. "I'm good with how things are too. I just wanted to check that you were OK because you said you didn't get a good look before you met me. I didn't want to be a distraction." She replied playfully.

"I'm afraid it's a little too late for that, my dear, Madison." Aiden's smile was almost shy as he ducked his head to look at her through his lashes. "Come on, show me somewhere else, you're the tour guide after all." He couldn't help but like her, she was sweet, gorgeous, and took his teasing like a champ where as some women would run from that. She also didn't turn her nose up at his appearance which was a nice change.

"Well how about the Marina next? Or are you hungry? We could stop in at the diner if you like.." Madison spoke up as she raised a hand to tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. She continued to smile at Aiden. He seemed really nice, with a great sense of humor. She hoped she could see more of him.

Aiden took a glance at his watch and cocked his head to the side. "How about we stroll by the Marina and then grab lunch? I should be hungry about then." His grin was soft and easy as he peered over at her. He held his arm out, gesturing that she should lead the way. "Unless you're hungry now, then I'd be glad to get you fed."

"No I can walk a little bit more before I need food. Let's go to the Marina." Madison reached for her shoes then motioned for Aiden to follow her as she headed off in the direction of boto the marina.

The air was warm but the breeze from the ocean was damp and it cooled Haidee's skin as she sat on the bench at the edge of the parking lot by the beach facing the water. She lay in bed most of the day, alternating between nervousness and excitement despite trying to rest. In the end she'd gotten up, eaten something to avoid any of that trouble this evening, and dressed before heading here. She could see the marina just a short distance down the coast, sparkling with beautiful lights as if for some party. That wasn't unlikely. It belonged to some fancy real estate person, or so she heard. It was probably just something to do, like most of the events in Athens Harbor. She liked the local markets when they filled the park with stalls that happened once in the spring and once in the fall. It was a great place to get seeds and local crafts.

"Haidee.." Luke called softly then paused when he saw her sitting on the bench. His stomach gave a small nervous flip when he saw her. "Sorry if I'm late.." He finally spoke up as he stepped over to her. He was dressed in the clothes Teos had given him and in his hand was a small basket with a selection of fruits and cheeses along with a bottle of wine. He smiled at her then looked towards the beach."Shall we sit on the sand? I brought some food.."

Haidee smiled and stood as Luke approached. She was in familiar denim shorts and a pink short sleeve button down that showed a high collar swim suit underneath near her neck. When he suggested sitting on the sand she nodded and followed him out to a safe distance from the tide. "You aren't late," she assured him as she helped spread the blanket. "I think I was just early... I guess I was kind of anxious." She laughed a little and settled on one side of the blanket, patting the other side for him to join her. "I was really looking forward to spending some alone time with you."

Luke smiled as he sunk down to sit next to her. "Same for me. I've been excited about this all day." He said as he gave an embarrassed chuckle. He carefully began to set the platters of different fruits out before them then lifted the bottle of wine out and showed it to Haidee. "Would you like a glass?"

A little one should probably be alright, wouldn't it? She smiled and nodded with a soft 'please' of agreement. "Are any of these from your farm?" she asked, motioning to the fruit he had laid out. "Maybe I should have brought you some of my strawberries... I'm sorry, I didn't think-"

"Yeah, I stopped by my farm on the way here and picked them up. It's OK. I'll try your strawberries next time.." Luke smiled before he shifted to carefully pour them each a glass of wine before he offered one to Haidee. "Everyone's gone out to Risks yacht party.. Almost feels like we've been abandoned in town." He chuckled lightly.

"I like it," she replied as she accepted the glass from him, swirling the wine lazily. "It's quiet. And we're less likely to be interrupted this time, right?" She smiled into her glass, looking at him over the rim. "So.. you will try them next time..." she repeated once she lowered her glass and gave him a teasing smile now. "You are so certain there will be a 'next time' then?"

"Well.. As long as I don't mess up on this date then I don't see why there shouldn't be a second date." Luke replied with an embarrassed chuckle. "Are you saying there's a chance you won't want to see me again?" He asked with a tilt of his head, trying to return her playful questions.

She shook her head. "I can't imagine there ever being a chance of that." She noticed tiny bits of sand flying out of a little hole and chuckled, imagining the little crab inside frantically cleaning its home. "How was the rest of your day? I hope not as unpleasant as this morning..." She lowered her chin, looking up at him apologetically.

"Just forget about this morning, it has been fixed." Luke replied with a reassuring smile. "When I left you off I went into town.. I needed to pick up these." He said pulling at the leg of his shorts. "I don't visit the beach very often.." He chuckled.

"Why not?" Haidee asked after another sip of wine. "Does your work keep you too busy or do you not enjoy it...?" She left it open. There were too many possibilities for her to guess them all.

"It's not that I don't enjoy it.. I just don't really know what to do. I'm not very good at sitting still for too long.. I'm always thinking of what I could do next for the farm." Luke admitted. "I would love to expand it, make it bigger perhaps so I could grow more but that might even be a struggle for me." He laughed lightly then looked at Haidee. "How was your day?"

"Well," Haidee began, pursing her lips and looking out over the ocean as if thinking very hard about the question. "I had I had to call for a doctor in front of the man I like, then I had to go home and do nothing for most of my day, but now I'm here, so not so good." She smiled at him. "But better near the end." She lifted her glass and took another sip, thinking a little longer before she said carefully, "It might not be such a struggle, expanding your farm, if it wasn't just you..."

"But who would want to help me? There's not many I would trust giving my secrets too." Luke replied with a playful smile as he watched Haidee before he took another sip of his wine.

She could make the implication but she clearly wasn't about to make the assumption that she was one that he would trust, so instead she gave a small shrug. "I'm sure some day you will be able to find the right person. I really hope to see you succeed, Luke. You more than deserve it." She picked up a small strawberry and ate it demurely, smiling at the sweet taste. Still chewing the last bit, she picked up another and held it out for Luke.

"Thanks." Luke said as he took the strawberry lightly from Haidee. He had considered biting into as she held it but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He wasn't brave enough for that. He bit into it and enjoyed the sweet taste before he looked out at the water."If you ever feel like joining me at the farm, I would be OK with that.." He said without looking at her. She was probably the only person he would trust to come help out. He swallowed back the rest of the wine then suddenly stood up. "You feel like taking a dip?" He asked motioning towards the sea.

Haidee laughed, picking up her wine glass. "For someone who says he doesn't know what to do at the beach, you sure seem eager," she teased and drank the rest of her own wine, nodding at the end. "But yes, I do." She made sure to put the food safely back in the basket before standing and unfastening her shirt, folding it neatly before laying it on the blanket. Her swim top was high on her chest, covering up to her collar bone and most of her upper back but left her midriff open leading into a simple bottom that was evident when she slipped off her denim shorts, folded and added them to her pile as well. She smiled at Luke, holding out her hand to him. "Let's go."

"Just a second.." Luke spoke as he slipped off his shirt and set it next to her things before kicking off his shoes. He turned back to Haidee and smiled before slipping his hand round hers. "I hope it's not too cold.." He said as he led the way down to the water trying not to stare at her in her swim suit.

Haidee kept her thoughts of keeping each other warm to herself as they came to the edge of the water. She released his hand and turned her back to the water, taking a few steps out following the receding waves. He truly was a very handsome man- The wave hit her, soaking her up to the waist and she gave a shrill cry of surprise that quickly dissolved into laughter as she fought to stay balanced as the wave receded again. "It is very cold!" she assured him, then motioned quickly for him to join her. "Come on!" She squeaked again as another wave caught her up to to the belly button where she was not standing up to her knees in the water. The air was humid from the early summer day and the cool water of the ocean was a pleasant contrast.

Luke laughed then quickly followed her out, giving a small yelp of surprise at how cold the water was. "I feel very awake now! " He laughed as he looked at Haidee then suddenly over balanced as a stray wave caught him and knocked him backwards. He surfaced with a splutter and quickly swept his soaked hair from his eyes as he stood up. "I wouldn't recommend that." He spluttered jokingly.

Haidee laughed, covering her mouth as if to try and hide it. As the next wave came she took a deep breath and ducked under it, coming up with her head back which easily kept her hair out of her face. With surprisingly good form she paddled over to him and took his hand, helping him to know when to swim up so their heads stayed above the water as the next wave passed over them. She laughed again, this time in victory. "Don't drown," she giggled. "Then I would have to take care of the farm by myself!" The waves were at least calmer since she first sat on the bench. The tide must be receding.

"I'm sure you could handle it just fine without me." Luke chuckled as he gripped her hand tightly so to make sure they stayed together. "Haidee.." He said after they had recovered from the next wave. "Do you want to come work on my farm..more permanently I mean?" He asked slowly. "I think you'd be great at it."

Haidee used her free hand to cover her mouth as she giggled softly. "You make it sound like a marriage proposal," she joked, but nodded. "I'd absolutely love to!" she agreed and squeezed his hand though it wasn't clear if it was in joy or so they didn't get separated as another wave went over their heads and she was forced to take a breath and go under again, coming up laughing as her free hand pushed water and hair from her face. Once she could see again, she was still smiling at him. "Tomorrow's Saturday. I could come all day if you want?"

"I'd love that." Luke smiled after he had used his free hand to sweep his soaked hair from his eyes. "We could do some work out on the fields, you could even start helping me plan out the build for my new house if you like..then we can go back to Jade's where I'll try my best not to burn dinner if you want." He finished playfully.

"It's a date," Haidee agreed with a nod and a smile. "I look forward to learning more about how you care for your fields. Your farm is still the most beautiful place I've ever seen... but I guess that's to be expected." Being god of the harvest had a lot of perks. He was going to do the world a lot of good.

Luke smiled."Thank you. I'm glad you think so highly of it." He said before he reached a hand out towards her face as if he were going to perhaps gently caress her cheek but his hand suddenly shifted and plucked at her hair, pulling a small piece of seaweed that had got caught there. He held it up to the show her, still smiling.

"Oh," she replied to the seaweed, then giggled a little. "Such a gentleman. I don't know how I would have survived such a vicious attack without you here to save me. What would you ask for your reward, my brave knight?"

Luke gave a small laugh. If he was brave enough he would have asked for a kiss but he was worried she would think him to forward so instead he simply asked. "Promise me you'll come to the town fair with me?"

That was definitely a date. Something young couples did. He had definitely outright just asked her on a date. Haidee blushed and was about to respond when the swell made her take a breath instead, coming up once the wave had passed. The current had pushed them closer together but she didn't seem to mind that there was hardly more than a hand length between them as she pushed her hair out of the way again, plucked a stray piece of seaweed out that she felt during the action, dropped it in the water, then turned to him, smiling brightly. "I promise. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

The biggest and brightest smile spread quickly across Luke's face. This was the best thing he had heard in a long time. "I look forward to it." He replied then held his hand out to her. "Shall we return to the picnic? Or would you like to swim a little longer?"

"I think it's better I get out," she admitted, her smile a bit more embarrassed. "I forgot a towel so I'll need to air dry before I go home..." With a few little kicks of her legs she was treading water, then found the ground and tugged on his hand, encouraging him to join her as she returned to the beach, watchful of the waves as they made their way back up the sand to sit on the blanket, making sure of course not to get their clothes wet. "Do you usually go to the fair? I think I'd remember seeing you there but I don't..."

"No I was always so busy with work and any time I was free.. I didn't really like the idea of going alone. If you haven't noticed, socialising isn't a strong point of mine." Luke replied playfully as he sat next to her. He turned to the basket he had brought and dug into it, producing a small towel. He had brought it for himself but with a smile he turned back to Haidee and draped it round her shoulders."You can use mine."

Haidee smiled and blushed a little, holding the corners around her shoulders with a quiet little 'thank you'. Her other hand fidgeted with the blanket they say on before she said quietly, "I think we'll both stay until the other dries, so it's a little silly for one to use it and not the other, right? W-... why don't we share?" She shifted a little, scooting closer to him, carefully nudging his arm so he would lift it, then settled against his side, her back to his chest so the towel pressed against them both. "I don't think there's a single person who's ever met you that doesn't like you, Luke," she told him, trying not to focus on how red her cheeks were. "I think you could have taken any one you wanted to, if you only asked. But if you were busy... to me it would not matter. On your farm or at the fair, I would have been happy to spend the day with you."

Luke had almost not heard what she had said, his attention drawn to how they were suddenly sitting. His own cheeks were flushed red, his arm that she had lifted froze in mid air as he tried to figure out what to do with it. Do I put it round her shoulders.. Her waist.. If possible his cheeks reddened even further. "Huh.. Oh.. Oh yeah I feel the same. No matter where we were I would be happy just being with you.."

"I'm really glad we met," she replied quietly, still unable to look at him in their current state and position, but too happy she braved it to move. "So we are able to enjoy time together." She looked up, watching the sky darken as the sun set behind them. Soon stars would appear on the horizon. She was content with the silence, not seeming to need to talk or eat or anything to enjoy sitting with him. It was just nice to relax and know he wasn't working all the time. Everyone deserved a rest, even someone like Luke for whom growing came easily. "Now that you know what you are," she commented carefully, still keeping her voice quiet. "Your work should be much easier, shouldn't it?"

"I hope so." Luke chuckled lightly once he had finally resolved to lightly wrap his arm around her shoulders to better secure them under the towel. He was glad she could not see his cheeks as they were flaming red now. "Perhaps I will be able to do other things now.. If I have a lot of free time because of my abilities." He added. "Though.. Honestly.. I like farming the old fashioned way. I like getting my hands dirty and knowing the hard work I put it achieved something so delicious."

"That is very admirable... at least you know your farm will be alright while you rebuilt your house then?" she asked, finally plucking up her courage to turn her head and look up at him. "For now your hard work might not result in something delicious, but it will be just as beautiful, I am sure of it."

Luke smiled at Haidee, hoping that his cheeks didn't look too red as she turned to him. "I'd love if you'd help me plan out the house.. I'm not that good at that sort of thing. I mean if it was up to me I'd probably just build four walls and divide the inside into a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room." He chuckled lightly. "Do you think you could help me plan something that would fit in with my farm?"

"I'm not architect," she warned him with a little chuckle. "But I will help in any way I can. What did you want for your farm? Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room may be fine for you, or you and a wife, but what if you want to have a room mate? Guests? A family? What of laundry? Storage? Will you need an attic or basement? Both? One floor?" She waved her hand, palm down, to indicate flat. "Or two? Or more?"

"See, if I'd been left to do this alone I wanted have thought of any of this. I need a smart woman like you in my life." Luke joked with another chuckle before he smiled at Haidee. "I'm so glad you said hello that day in the grocery store. I couldn't imagine not knowing you now."

"And I am very glad that the man who grows the best produce in town happened to be the nicest man as well," Haidee agreed with a smile of her own. "I'm really glad I waited for you." It wasn't exactly clear if she meant in general or just that day in the grocery store. "It's nice, that the things we care about led us to each other I think."

Luke gave an agreeing nod before he smiled. "I suppose though even if we hadn't met that day in the market, we would have met one day. I mean with us both being descendants and all." He replied playfully.

"Yes..." Haidee agreed quietly after a pause. Whatever the origin she was here now with Luke and she should be happy, but thinking about what she could do, what Teos explained she would be doing, made her want to curl up alone again. It made her think this moment of happiness was all she was going to get. Luke was life and she was death and ultimately they would part ways someday, live completely different lives, she knew it. This. This right here. This was her days in the sun and, she thought as she leaned against him just a little bit more as if that would somehow defend against the sad thoughts that always seemed to be on the periphery of her mind, she really wanted to enjoy the warmth.

It was almost as if Luke could sense how Haidee was feeling and he couldn't help but wrap his arm around her more tightly as if afraid that if he let her go she would disappear. "No matter what, I won't leave you because of this descendant business. To me you're just Haidee. The girl who came into my life at the perfect moment and who I hope never leaves it..unless you want to of course." He chuckled in embarrassment.

"'Leave me'? Does that mean you are 'with me'?" Haidee asked, raising her eyes to him and smiling in a way that made it hard to tell if she was teasing him or being hopeful. If she thought about it, perhaps it made sense. They'd spent some time together, and this was a date, wasn't it? And they had plans for another at the festival. So they were dating, weren't they? But, wouldn't that make Luke her boyfriend? She blushed a little and averted her eyes. It would also make her his girlfriend, and just thinking that was made her nervous but happy. Maybe they weren't that far along though. Maybe this wasn't so monogamous. Luke was sweet and kind and fit and handsome. He might be shy but surely he went on dates from time to time. Maybe this wasn't so serious yet?

Luke blushed deeply at her words and couldn't help but give a shy smile. "Well..I would be happy to say I'm with you actually.." He said in a quiet voice as he averted his gaze from her and looked out at the sea. Finally when he had gained some confidence he looked at her with a hopeful expression. "What about you? Would you want to say you were with me?"

Haidee was quiet as she thought about that for a moment. She would, very much so in fact, but she didn't want to tie him down like that. On the other hand, with this 'descendant business' odds are a normal girl wasn't going to last. At least she would be there afterwards if they both lived. "I would," she said finally, raising her eyes to meet his though they glanced at his lips as she answered. "I suppose that makes us a couple then."

Luke couldn't stop the bright smile that spread across his face. "I suppose it does. I like it.." He replied softly before tentatively reaching out and wrapping his hand round her's, glancing at her to check her reaction. "If we didn't have all this descendant business..things would be perfect right now.."

It took everything in her to stay still. They had been touching for a while now and nothing bad had happened, and Teos and Ate had said it would be alright, right? Luke had touched her plenty and he was fine so far. She forced herself to relax and curled her fingers with his. If, in the end, she would be the goddess of death, then she should have the power to bring him back. That had to be true. Hades had been able to let Eurydice go, so clearly he had the power to do that with souls, so she had to believe she would be able to as well if something happened. "Except your home," she pointed out sadly. "I wish I could help you more with that." Would it be more perfect if they simply had a home together? She felt her cheeks tinge pink and was glad the fading light of the sun would hide it.

BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians

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2017-01-21 [ancienteye]: *hopping and hugging with Painted* OMAIGAWSHOMAIGAWSHOMAIGAWSH IT'S ABOUT FREAKIN' TIME!

2017-01-21 [ancienteye]: *frisbee-throws a champagne bottle as the SS Haiduke (or should it be Ludee?) sails off into the distance*

2017-01-21 [Artsy]: Didn't we have a talk about the name of the ship before?

2017-01-21 [ancienteye]: Probably, but I don't remember what page it was on...

2017-01-21 [ancienteye]: Nothing was set in stone, but on the Luke's Farm page, Artsy and Eyelash both considered Lukee and Eyelash suggested Lukidee.

2017-01-21 [Painted Autumn]: awww. Lukidee sounds like a little bird.

2017-01-21 [ancienteye]: ....It does. :o It's sounds so cute and sweet! Just like them! All who approve of the ship name of Lukidee, say "Aye"!

2017-01-21 [Artsy]: Aye, though I think fans choose ship names so I'm not sure I count?

2017-01-21 [ancienteye]: You count if you agree with me. XD You and Eyelash were the ones that first came up with the names! Of course you count!

2017-01-21 [ancienteye]: .......................I have never hated a comment I wrote so much. That sounds so self-centered. Please forgive me. All votes count, whether Aye or Nay. *in the corner of shame*

2017-01-21 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Aye! :D


*about the lack of emotional communication, not the ship name*

2017-01-21 [Artsy]: They've only known each other two days! Haidee's... self conscious, and worried.

2017-06-13 [Painted Autumn]: So she's just cleaning the wounds and holding them covered, right?

2017-06-13 [Synirria]: Holding them covered? No she was cleaning them and then closing them.

2017-06-13 [Painted Autumn]: How is she closing them? Is the water just holding them closed?

2017-06-13 [~Valkyrie~]: She is healing the surface wounds. Pretty simple. Water and especially the ocean has been associated with healing by many cultures for centuries. Like I said though, she's just healing what the water can touch, the surface wounds. The blood loss and punctured lung he'll have to go to a hospital for. Actually, a punctured lung becomes even more serious with the chest wound closed, Asdroth can tell you about that, but I doubt we want to go into that in the game with Adela having called off the ambulance.

2017-07-12 [Eyelash-Wishes]: is there a movie theatre?

2017-07-12 [Synirria]: I knew that was coming lol... yes but a small one

2017-08-14 [Artsy]: How is it that both of my characters came to be dating Eyelash's characters?

2017-08-14 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Haha I didn't even realise that XD

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